Version 3 released today!

Hello all! First off, I would like to thank you all for your continuous support for the WickedDOJ server through the ups and downs over the past couple months. The version 3 of WickedDOJ has been in development and under testing for quite some time with new features...

v2.5 Patch Update!

Hello all! Thank you for your continue support of the Wicked DOJ RP Community! We are always listening to your thoughts and feedback to improve our community! We welcome any and all feedback to improve the server. In this update, we have released an AI/Police...

Version 2.2 Released!

Version 2.2 has officially been released! Check out the new changes in the server with the command /changelog Some of the most notable changes include, but not limited to,- Fuel script has been changed (No paying for gas currently)- Playerlist is a toggle with F6-...

Wicked DOJ v2.1 Patch Update!

Today marks the release of Patch v.21! There was a lot of work done by the Dev Team over this past month since v2.0 was release at the beginning of December. A couple of the big ticket items were the addition of the Police Training Academy (Noted on the map by a...

Wicked DOJ Badge Number Reformat

What’s going on Wicked DOJ Staff members! We are reformatting the Badge Numbers for all departments. The format will now look like the following:1[Department Letter]-## For example, the Sheriff for Blaine County will have the badge number “1B-01”...