by Sharky | Aug 10, 2021 | News & Info, Shop Updates
What’s up Wicked fam! We are excited to announce that the beginning of the store is up and running! Check it out over at! There are currently only a few items available at this time but we plan to get more out there soon. We have...
by Sharky | Aug 8, 2021 | News & Info, Wicked LRP
Hey all! The Website & Discord have been updated and is about 90% complete, for the FiveM side of things that is. The new website is accessible at! With the migration from our focus being on a FiveM server to a general community setting, we...
by Sharky | May 1, 2020 | News & Info, Wicked LRP
Hello all! Thank you for your continue support of the Wicked DOJ RP Community! We are always listening to your thoughts and feedback to improve our community! We welcome any and all feedback to improve the server. In this update, we have released an AI/Police...
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