
Wicked Life RP Resources List


For the Zoom data of the Postal Code map, please download it here.


For the TeamSpeak 3 Radio Clicks, download them here.
Click on “TS3 Radio Clicks” for installation Instructions.


Additional Pages

Ban Appeal Form

Were you banned from the server? Do you feel like you should be unbanned?
Fill out our Ban Appeal Form and your appeal will be reviewed to see if the ban should be overturned.


Member Report Form

Is there a member of the community breaking the rules or straight up pissing you off?
Fill out the Member Report Form and we will take action accordingly.


Resource/Feature Request Form

Have a resource you think will fit well in the server?
Want to see a feature made that would add to the server and improve it?
Fill out the Request Form or send us an email at in the following format:

Subject: [Short description of your request]
Body: [Describe your request in detail]


Whitelist & Development Applications

Are you interested in becoming a Law Enforcement Officer, Firefighter, or an official Tow operator? You MUST be at least 17yo and have 14 RP sessions on this server before applying.
If you meet those requirements, please fill out the Department Application Form.

Want to join the Development Team (Script, Vehicle, Map, or Media)?
Please fill out the Server Development Form.



Are you enjoying the server? Do you want to contribute to help keep the server running?
Feel free to donate to us so we can keep up the server bills to make sure the server stays running so we can all enjoy it.

Extra donation funds will be used for additional resources for the server from vehicles to maps and everything in-between.